All Patient, EMS, and Hospital Voice and Data in One Place
D-Scribe X: The Intelligence Hub
D-Scribe X empowers hospitals and first responders with remote and centralized access to all pre-hospital and hospital communication, data, and reports. HIPAA-secure and highly configurable, it automatically records and reports all data from the CAREpoint ED Workstation and e-Bridge Communication Platform.
What Does The Data Say About D-Scribe X?

Who Benefits from an Intelligence Hub?

D-Scribe X for EMS
With automatic reporting and recording, EMS spend less time after handoff updating case details and have all prehospital communication and captured data safely and securely stored for quality review.

D-Scribe X for Hospitals

D-Scribe X for State & Regions
With robust metrics tracking and advanced reporting capabilities, state and regional health officials can review all cases, pull specific metrics by case type, address bottlenecks, and make improvements region-wide.
D-Scribe X for

Explore D-Scribe X Features

D-Scribe X for EMS
In this case study you will see how a suburban hospital in the Southeast:
- Standardized communication
- Simplified alerting processes across the hospital
- Gained quick buy-in with nurses and physicians
- Decreased STEMI treatment time by 20 minutes
- Improved reporting and recording

D-Scribe X for Hospitals
In this case study, you’ll see how Farmington Hills Fire Department:
- Streamlined training and documentation
- Time-stamped and recorded all communications
- Improved ETA from EMS to the Hospital
- Automated notifications to select team members
D-Scribe X for State & Regions
Learn how the Oakland County Medical Control Authority:
- Replaced radio systems, avoiding a $50 million infrastructure upgrade
- Enhanced prehospital communications between EMS and Hospital teams
- Standardized communication amongst 50 EMS agencies and 15 hospitals

Why Your Healthcare Team Needs D-Scribe X
Discover the Robust Features That Make it an Integral Part of the GD Solution Suite
Custom Logins
Search Reporting
To simplify reviews, you can easily search by date range, events, case type, chief compliant, keywords, sender of messages, priority, and more.
Reports, Metrics, and Configuration
Easily configure specific reports, review and search key metrics and time-stamped data for acute care cases, view timelines of each case to see if teams met KPI goals, and configure reports to meet your team’s specific needs.
Export Data

Your data, your control. Easily export data, reports, and calls to share them and easily present data, bottlenecks, and metrics to stakeholders, share feedback with first responders, and more.