All Patient, EMS, and Hospital Voice and Data in One Place

Can you easily access EMS - Hospital recordings and metrics?

From faster time-to-treatment metrics to quality assurance review, pre-hospital and hospital communications and data must be quickly available with full reporting for coordinators, managers and quality teams.

Access your communications and data through D-Scribe X

D-Scribe X empowers medical teams with remote and centralized access to all pre-hospital and hospital communication, data, and reports. HIPAA-secure and fully configurable, D-Scribe X is an extension to e-Bridge.

D-Scribe X

D-Scribe X enables automatic recording and reporting of data for e-Bridge. It empowers medical teams with a secure  to all pre-hospital and hospital videos, images and voice communication, data and reports. Case management and team and process workflows are more efficient with easier access to information for QI/QA, benchmarking, certifications, training and legal purposes.


Proven success


  • Better preparedness for incoming patients 
  • Easy retrieval of case information 
  • Faster time-to-treatment
  • Quicker and more efficient patient hand-off
  • Reduction in false lab activations
  • Improved quality assurance with case data documentation, including transports and transfer
  • Risk mitigation with proper documentation and secure storage
  • Cost savings
Our Resources

Now another health care provider accessing that record a day, a week or a month later can gain that same appreciation for what firefighter paramedics and ER physicians saw that day or night. That’s pretty cool.
- Jim Etzin (Beaumont Hospital)

See for Yourself!

Contact us today to learn more about D-Scribe X

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